Court Of Record Forum

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Big Al's question of the .......well, hhmm -lets just call it of the week for now

Is it lawful to make that which is unlawful, legal? please add  just reason for ur answer.

Allan King and Farmer John have reacted to this post.
Allan KingFarmer John

of course.  It must fit "their" agenda. ITs their rules, their court.  seems anything flies in their private courts.  I would put an example scenario up here for others.  Likely I am incorrect, but this is how i read/interpret the question.  Legal codes and statutes, ALWAYS change and are made to "appear" as "Law" and no less for the purpose -for profit, Law never does.  Law is simple, do not cause harm, injury or loss to your fellow man.  Their courts are corporations;  that being said, it is no different than walmart employee telling you what you can and cannot do with your property, that was already yours before you entered into their world; and if they don't like the price you will pay, then they change it in mid transaction.  I suppose one would ask the question at a court of record or in legalease world? As it really depends on WHOS court it is.

I believe in the same way a license cannot be granted for an activity that would otherwise be unlawful so is the case with acts of the US Congress or British Parliament. In support of this is the maxim "Summa ratio est, quce pro religione facit forbiding" meaning "a statute is forbidden if it goes against the law of God".

If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

Thomas Jefferson

Preston Dalton has reacted to this post.
Preston Dalton