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How to Stay in Another State After Running Away from a Probation Violation

My question involves criminal law for the state of:Kentucky.

My girl is in KY jail for out of state warrant. Warrant is for her testing dirty while on a work program that she only had to report on once a month but she fled to KY where all of her family is. She had served 3 years and was doing good but messed up. So she has been living and working in KY for about 2 years and no problems. She got tired of running and had her sister call the local police to pick her up.

Now she has been sitting in KY jail and no word from FL. She seems to think that she can get released tomorrow if they don't reply because it will be 10 working days since FL was notified? Is this true and if so will a normal working man be able to get her in the morning? What really needs to happen for her to stay in KY? She wants to serve out up here but from other posts I have read none of this looks to good.

She has never been on her own and couldn't handle it and without Family there she left.