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Just played Final Fantasy XI

I'm going to be one of those people for a moment.. it has been.. a year perhaps? Since I set foot in Vana'diel. And nearly as long since I seriously played Final Fantasy XIV for that matter.

The recent repeat of the rhapsody event put it in my head how much I missed FFXI but it wasn't until today.. logging in that it occurred to me even moreso /why/ my memories make me emotional. I got a bit misty eyed just walking around looking at things so here I am ranting because I feel things..

The music.. the immersion.. every area has music that sets the tone for where you are, and you can find random things to just stand and read, bits of lore that don't even have to do with quests.. random amusing things like the books in wondursts library, the flower gardens in Chateau d'Oraguille leading to the late queens tombstone..